Stargate Props and Costumes

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Atlantis or SG-1?

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By Colonel_Carter
Hello again ... again!!!

Oh darn it, you missed the big giveaway!! Hehe only kidding!

It's business as usual here thankfully.

Do check out the costume discussion thread though here, as we've still got one costume to identify!

Otherwise ... keeping visiting, keep voting and keep having FUN!!! :D
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By SG1Niner
Welcome...back?! Hello...again!
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By Mike272
Thanks all for the warm welcome! :)

What did you guys give away?!

I'll definitively check those out in detail again. Also, check out the 'Other Art' section, I've posted a bit of my work.
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By SG Merc
Mike272 wrote: What did you guys give away?!
Sheppard was letting members take turns sitting on his lap in The Chair :lol:
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By Mike272
SG Merc wrote:
Mike272 wrote: What did you guys give away?!
Sheppard was letting members take turns sitting on his lap in The Chair :lol:
LOL, dang! :lol:
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By SG1Niner
Ummmmmm....yeah...I got nothing...Carter?!
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By Mike272
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By SG1Niner
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By Mike272
LOL, no, I'm trying to work out an issue with my sig. Sorry.
User avatar
By Mike272
Yay! It's alive!!

No, the sig you see now, is just a preview for my upcoming, Atlantis-themed banner. I'm going to be doing several versions of it too.
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By SG1Niner
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By SG1Niner
I like the puddle effect!
User avatar
By Mike272
OK, great! Thanks!

Yeah, it's kind of a concept piece. Oh, and I feel like a fool, I did the wrong URL, it's, without the hyphen. Ah, the magic of doing something at 2am in the morning...
User avatar
By Colonel_Carter
That is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!

I've been playing with some Atlantis banners for the Home Page (was my job :P) but that's blown all my efforts out of the water!!

Very Atlantis-y :D ;)
User avatar
By Mike272
Aww, you're too kind... But thanks! :)

I am starting work on the master copy of the Atlantis-themed banner very soon. But I'm also considering doing a full page piece too, just for the site...
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By Lord Camulus
Hello, all my name Lord Camulus (Daniel). And I like SG1 as much as I like Atlantis. I just have a pretty stupit question but I wonder were I can upload a profile picture I just can't find it, so if you can respond to this and give me the directions it would be great, thank you. /Lord Camulus
User avatar
By SG Merc
Looks like you found where to upload your photo Lord Camulus. If you have any more trouble press the "PM" button under my photo and send me a message. I will assist you further.

Welcome to, by the way.

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