Stargate Props and Costumes

Welcome to the Internet's largest community dedicated to the props and costumes of Stargate.

Post here if you're having trouble with any part of the website or forums, or if you have a comment/suggestion about the site.

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By SG Merc
You may have noticed some spam appearing on the forum in the last month. This was the result of my not reinstalling spam protection after moving servers and upgrading the forum software.

These controls have now been installed again, and the member database has been purged of spammers. I apologize for any offensive spam that appeared on the site over the last few weeks.

The Vineland Public Library is looking for Stargat[…]

The Vineland Public Library is having it's 4th ann[…]

The Vineland Public Library is having it's 4th ann[…]

Completely redesigned the palm crystal and frame. […]